A downloadable game for Windows

Recommended Age: 17+

The demo (Day One) contains strong language and mild suggestive dialogue.

Future days will have darker themes that may be upsetting to those who are easily triggered.

Content warning may be updated in the future.

Aileen works at a dead end job in Toronto. The small business could have seen much more success if it wasn't for the 'competitor' that opened up shop across the street.

But Aileen doesn't really care about all of that. She gets to surrounded herself with (mostly) good company and that's all that matters.

She's also been going on a lot of dates lately, but none of them ever suit her fancy enough for a second date.  I wonder why...?

Maybe this new app will be more promising...

She'll be juggling work, possible social media promotion and dating more men.

What? There's more to it than that? Something is off about her? Aileen has a huge secret? Well, of course...


Serial Date was created for ChatSim Jam 2024 (and originally NaNoRenO24 but clearly that didn't happen)

Most of the development ended up happening the week before the jam end, so it's a bit rushed and there are minor bugs here and there (especially if you try to use the save/load system, do not do it)

After I learn more about how to fix things, I'll add a patch, then continue on the with the days. Day two was originally supposed to be in this build but once again that didn't happen.

Created with Unity, Dialogue System by Pixel Crushers and Live2D Cubism

More Credits in game



serial-date-win.zip 102 MB
Version 0.1 32 days ago

Development log

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